Natural Organic Sunscreen

What should you look for in natural organic sunscreen?

What should you look for in natural organic sunscreen?

Sunscreen is essential and nobody can deny the greatness of this product. However, Natural and organic sunscreen can be essential that you never thought you needed. Natural sunscreen is also known as mineral or physical sunscreen uses a combination of zinc and titanium dioxide to block the harmful rays. Many organic products avoid the usage of parabens and other such harmful products. However, most products you usually come across in the drugstores are loaded with chemicals like oxybenzone to absorb UV rays. These locally bought items can often do more harm than good.

Why is organic sunscreen better?

Once you start using natural health and cosmetic products, you wouldn’t want to go back.

  1. Does no harm to your health

The TGA only approves of zinc and titanium dioxide as the active sunscreen ingredients. Chemicals like oxybenzone are made from petroleum and are used in around 70% of sunscreens. Other chemicals like octinoxate can be harmful to your endocrine system. This also suggests that they can interfere with your hormonal activity. Moreover, oxybenzone elements can also be absorbed by the skin and enter the bloodstream.

  1. It’s pollution-free

Approximately 14,000 tons of chemical sunscreens reach the oceans every year contributing to coral bleaching. Oxybenzone can not only bleach coral but also drastically reduces its growth. However, with organic sunscreen, there’s no such worry.

  1. You don’t have to worry about your sensitive skin

People with sensitive skin can vouch for the number of times using chemical health and cosmetic products have caused a rash. This is because chemical sunscreens absorb the UV rays, creating heat which in turn might irritate your skin. You’ll have to apply organic at least 15-30 minutes before going out in the sun.

Things to avoid while purchasing sunscreen

Although the priority is to go for a mineral-rich product, you might want to look through the whole label. A lot of unnecessary chemicals might just be hiding in plain sight.

  1. Oxybenzone
  2. Octyl methoxycinnamate
  3. Avobenzone
  4. Homosalate
  5. Fragrance
  6. Retinol
  7. Mineral oil
  8. Para-aminobenzoic acid

Your checklist for natural sunscreen?

You can get organic products from trusted local stores. You can also check out to find an amazing range of natural cosmetic products including sunscreens.

Here’s a checklist for when you’re looking for the perfect sunscreen.

  1. Zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the active ingredient
  2. UVA and UVB protection
  3. Water resistance

Top tips for using sunscreen

Following are a few things to keep in mind while looking for natural and organic sunscreen.

  1. Use enough product: Ensure that you’re using the recommended amount. Follow the instructions of the specific product. Cover all the exposed areas of your body.
  2. Make sure you let the product rest before stepping out: Give the sunscreen 15-30 minutes to sit on your skin before you start your day.
  3. Reapply whenever necessary: You should reapply every 2 hours the product especially during the peak UV hours.
  4. Suit your skin and schedule: If you’re prone to oil or have sensitive skin, pick your sunscreen wisely.
  5. Water-resistant formulas
  6. Practice sun safety
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